Monday 4 July 2011

CLAN (the small tasks add up)

Well just wanted to let you know about my experience at CLAN Cancer Support centre last Friday.  I started off that day feeling a little bit sorry for myself, had a bit of a cold and felt tired.  I even thought it amusing that I finally had a few hours to myself (child-free) and yet I had volunteered my "services" to CLAN Cancer Support Centre.  I was very glad I did and felt a lot better when I left the place!

A couple of months ago, the first time I was inside the CLAN building, I fell in love with it! An ex-church building that was finally being used for a constructive purpose!  When I saw Daybreak advertising Donate a Day, CLAN instantly popped into my mind and I e-mailed them straight away. When I arrived at CLAN, I was welcomed with warm faces and smiles, a feeling of peace and calmness (even though some of these people were battling cancer). The time flew by as I unstuck labels, laminated, guillotined, stuck, more sticking, writing ON stickers, assembled cards & envelopes in plastic.  All in all, nothing took great skill but these little things meant members of staff could keep focussed on other tasks.

What you may think is not very much in terms of help may be a godsend to someone else who just can't seem to get to that small task. As you may know small tasks build up and after a while can seem unsurpassable. I challenge us all, if we get the chance, to give an hour , two hours to a charity. I was touched by how grateful CLAN were to my tiny little giving of time.

Con-fused Arts

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