Well, this is a bit of a shout out for a company I see grow and grow in their ethical and environmental awareness. I am excited for their future! As it is Climate Week, H&M are advertising that if you donate a large bag of clothes for recycling from 12th to 18th March, they will give you a £5 off voucher to use in H&M before 30th April this year. Well, that's exactly what I did today and was welcomed by friendly members of staff who gave me my £5 off voucher.
As I am really loving H&M at the minute, the voucher didn't last long in my handbag and I couldn't resist buying this Katherine Hamnett 100% organic T-shirt in support of the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) oh and some hair clips (to help me emotionally cope with my "in-between" length fringe:). If you want to find out more about H&M's philosophy on sustainability and other world issues click here !
Let's save the future and have a fab weekend!
Well, when this post was started on the 1st March, the weather was FAB-U-LOUS however the next day and today it was NOT! Fear not, I can say both the sunny, slightly warm and the horrendous weather worked in my favour on my fitness quest.
On Thursday, we got lots of jobs done in the garden and round the house from cleaning and tidying to hoovering and getting potatoes planted etc. I also managed to slip in some step aerobics every so often. It was great that I wasn't intentionally exercising per se but really felt I had a work out AND slept very well that night. Sleep hasn't always been my best friend, I don't know what I have done to offend it, ha ha.
Within 24 hours of the glorious T-shirt (well T-shirt and light jacket) weather, it turned to "pea soup" as my friend described it and then got promoted to wet, cold and windy. As miserable as it sounded, I HAD to go to the shops and my goodness that was fastest I have ever walked with a all terrain buggy in my LIFE!! Again, boy did I feel those leg and arm muscles.
What I have found out is that exercise doesn't have to be about organised classes or gym sessions, it can be simply dancing round the house, doing the housework, playing with children if you have any or can borrow one or more (preferably with their parents permission). :)